

Hypatia project takedown policy
The University of Exeter makes every reasonable effort to ensure content posted online complies with UK law. However, if you feel certain content in some way infringes UK law or rights, the University of Exeter Library will, upon notification, review the legal status of the relevant material and remove it if the complaint is found to be valid.
Valid grounds for the removal of content from include:
·         Violation of intellectual property rights, including copyright.
·         Breach of moral or other rights protected by law (for example, derogatory treatment of work, libel, data protection, privacy).
·         Ethical issues including plagiarism, falsified research, failure to adhere to ethical guidelines.
To register a complaint, contact copyright@exeter.ac.uk  including the following information:
·         Your contact details.
·         Full details of the material
·         The exact and full url where you found the material.
·         .Evidence  or proof that you are the copyright rights holder or authorised representative
·         The reason for your takedown request
On receipt of the complaint, the University will:
·         Acknowledge that the complaint has been received.
·         Make an initial assessment of the validity of the complaint.
·         Temporarily remove the item from public view if further investigation is required.
Following the initial assessment, if a complaint is judged to be invalid, no further action will be taken and the complainant will be informed of this decision.
Valid complaints will be investigated by the Copyright Officer and, if necessary, the University’s Legal Services Office and may take some time depending on the nature of the complaint.
All attempts will be made to resolve the issue swiftly and to the satisfaction of both the complainant and the project.
If, as a result of investigation, the item concerned is judged to have infringed an aspect of UK law, it will be permanently removed and the complainant will be informed of this decision.